Harensesteenweg 232 bus 2.8, 1800 Vilvoorde
Harensesteenweg 232 bus 2.8,
1800 Vilvoorde
Fort Edegem

How secure is your fort?

What if you treat your business as a fort? Is every entry secured with guards, walls, and booby-traps? Are there any vulnerabilities you haven’t taken into account?

We invited C-level, Directors, and strategic functions within a company to our 2 security events at Fort 5, Edegem. To start the event, we got a guided tour to explain the history behind Fort 5 and how it defended Belgium. 

Bruno Schröder and Bart Asnot from Microsoft kicked-off the presentations explaining how Microsoft will handle the security aspects in the future as well as what the common mistakes are within companies when making the Microsoft environment secure.  Subsequently, Marc Maathuis and Ariane Müller from Azul presented a secure & affordable Java security platform: Azul.  Before going to Hof Ter Linden to have the aperitif and delightful diner, Derrick Struys gave more information about the high-level security and protection against ransomware with Pure Storage.

Photo Group How Secure Is Your Fort
Bart (Microsoft) and Rob (Telenet)
Hedwig (KBC) and Derrick (Pure Storage)
Walking down stairs Fort Edegem
Guided Tour Fort Edegem
Guided Tour_2
Setup presentations Fort Edegem
Restaurant Edegem
Restaurant_2 Edegem

past events